Below you will find guidance for owners and managers of equestrian establishments with regards to understanding industry “best practice” when it comes to the practical and administrative management of livery yards. This guidance is free to access and has been sourced from reputable sources. 

The ‘Back to Basics’ guides offers yard owners and managers a concise and easy to understand explanation of the ten most important aspects of yard management. These simple guides indicate the areas for consideration, reasons for importance, and guide you to additional resources to help you better understand each area

Below we also link to other resources on the hub which would be classed as a basic “Yard Owner Toolkit” with access to free guidance and templates for implementing such practices and procedures on your own yard. The aim is for yard owners who may be setting up a new yard, or reviewing what they offer, to best understand the industry expected standards when it comes to the management of their clients, their business and the equines on the yard.

These resources are available free of charge to all, and always will be. All we ask is that if you use any of the documentation, or find the information contained herein useful, please consider adding your yard to LiveryList, and/ or making a secure donation to help cover the work and research that goes into providing these resources.