
The “Masterclass” option gives a 45-minute one-to-one session by voice or video call to discuss, guide or problem solve on any aspect of running a yard. This could include, but not limited to, costings and finances, contracts, client management or marketing. Ideal for anyone looking to make changes to their business, or experiencing difficulties with any particular aspect, it can also be a useful overview for those considering opening an equestrian premises.

The cost of a “Masterclass” session is £65
(£45 for ABRS Members and those with Premium LiveryList Listings)
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"Livery Yard Owners UK: Discussions & Advice" Group

Our popular, dedicated yard owner Facebook Group is a friendly and supportive group of over 3500 livery yard owner across the UK. Established in 2016, the group offers discussions, advice, recommendations, news and industry features and articles, specific to yard management, and provides direct support from an industry leading expert, alongside easy links to numerous resources and guidance from reputable and reliable industry sources.

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