Survey Reveals Mixed Priorities For Horse Owners When it Comes to Livery Choices

A survey carried out last week by LiveryList across their social media platforms showed an interesting result from the 223 horse owning respondents when asked about their priorities when considering livery yards.

The question ‘What is Your Priority When Looking for Livery’ was posted across their platforms, as an open ended question allowing for a whole host of responses.

Unsurprisingly top of the results was turnout and grazing. After a particularly tumultuous and prolonged winter, and a particularly wet spring, this led to issues for many horses owners when the found their horses stabled for prolonged periods, or on restricted grazing due to muddy conditions, with many yards not equipped to offer all-weather turnout. Still now, many yard owners state that going in to another winter, their fields are still recovering from last winter.

Other considerations such as facilities and access to hacking were high on the list which would be must-haves for those who regularly exercise or compete their horses. Riding arenas were highest on the agenda, with horse walkers, canter tracks and lunging areas also mentioned. With regards to hacking, comments on the proximity of off road routes and the traffic levels of roads surrounding the yards were high on the agenda when it came to comments, with many horse owners preferring yards that offer direct off road, quiet lanes or even private farm tracks to ride on. For many who mentioned facilities, there were also specific mentions of the maintenance and good order of such facilities such as arena surfaces and fencing.

Surprisingly, given the current media attention on equine welfare, only 1.1% of respondents directly mentioned ‘welfare’ in their responses.  Whilst this could be considered a factor of other options given, a specific consideration for the welfare of equines on a yard should be of primary importance for horse owners, and could consider anything from biosecurity to nutrition, socialisation and positive interactions and the equines general living environment which are not necessarily covered by the other answers.

8.5% of replies stated that the level of skills and knowledge of the yard owner, or their staff, was a deciding factor. To have a ‘professional’ yard owner was mentioned in several responses, and that a yard should be ‘well run’. This is positive given that there are no regulations for who to run a livery yard, and with so many horse owners often turning to their yard owner or manager for advice, its important to be sure they have the relevant understanding to help and be able to offer the right care for horses on the yard.

Another interesting response was the cost of livery. With such huge rises in the costs of living in the last couple of years, and the subsequent price rises many yard owners have had to unavoidably put in place, only 2.1% of respondents mentioned that price was a factor they prioritised. This should give relief to many yard owners who often worry about the need to raise prices in these difficult times simply to help cover their costs.

Founder of LiveryList Cheryl Johns, said:

“As we’re heading into another busy time of the year for yard moves, its interesting to see less of a focus on costs and more on the services and facilities available at the yards allowing horse owners to enjoy their time at the yard and to be able to ride their horses and provide them with year round turnout. The lack of responses relating to welfare is concerning given current issues, but its comforting given the specific mention regarding yard owner experience which shows some level of understanding by horse owners that they need to know they are leaving their equines to the care of experienced and responsible professionals in the industry”

If you are a horse owner looking for livery, the LiveryList yard Owner Hub offered a dedicated section for horse owners who are seeking livery, with useful articles and resources to give support. These are completely free to access and covers considerations like those mentioned above, and more, to ensure that you find the right home for your equine friend.

LiveryList Looking for Livery: Finding a Yard Checklist

The Horse Owners Guide to Finding a Livery Yard (LiveryList and the ABRS+)

For yard owners or managers, there is also a huge amount of templates, guidance and resources on all aspects of practical and administrative yard management, client management and equine welfare to help yard owners be the best they can be. This all found on the dedicated Yard Owner Hub and is all equally free to access and use.