Improving Livery Yard Management Through Technology

Using technology in the workplace is now very common in businesses. We take technology for granted, but we are lost when it isn’t there. Businesses often conduct activities such as administration, communication and stock control using a range of technological methods. Technology has trained us all to expect faster response times; quicker answers to questions, speedier actioning of requests and instant news and information.

Access to Information

Not everyone who wants to work with horses wants to run a business, but livery yards often evolve from a personal passion for horses into a business that demands learning new skills, like accounting, payroll, record-keeping and staying on top of relevant and often changing legislation. Livery yards are much like any other business; there are people, there are customers, there are suppliers and there are complex relationships revolving around the care for and welfare of our equine friends.

As technology has advanced, our mobile devices have become invaluable. Apps provide users with a convenient way to access information, services and even entertainment. Apps record data, actions and development and overtime can provide a high level of personalisation and useful historical information for reference.

Freedom for Work

Mobile phones have changed the way we do business. We are no longer tied to our desks, but free to roam and this has been particularly beneficial for those of us in the equine industry. We often find ourselves answering calls and queries in the middle of poo-picking or whilst waiting for the farrier or vet to finish their visit. Having our phones in our pockets means we can be responsive, which can be critical in a live animal environment.

Our phones also allow us to access a world of on-the-go information, including ‘how to’ videos which allow us to keep learning new skills and workarounds. It is hard to imagine running a livery yard from a desk. LIVERYLive lets you access all yard data easily and securely, without the need to be in front of a yard book or laptop.

Being able to manage a yard, and your clients needs, on a remote basis and in real time using LIVERYLive can make running a yard more enjoyable by making things that were difficult easier, so that we can all spend more time with the horses and ponies we love.

Faster Communication

Our mobiles help us communicate better; we can issue alerts, share new information and record activities and decisions accurately without the need for pens and paper. We can record lessons and exercise routines and take photographic evidence of progress.  We can fact check, get advice and understand rules and regulations, so that we get things right first time every time.

LIVERYLive saves time and money because it makes yard life more efficient through clearer communication and more accurate records. It’s the modern-day equivalent of a paper trail when it comes to recording requests for services such as holiday cover and turnout.

Practical Advantages On the Yard

Horse welfare is a hot topic at the moment and rightly so. Domesticating horses has been very beneficial to humans, but it has meant that horses have come to rely on us for their survival and day to day comfort. Horses and ponies rely on us to provide them with the best and most appropriate care we can.

Caring for horses and ponies can be a full-time job. Whether you work at a yard or have your horse on livery, there is so much to think about: daily care can be complicated enough and any changes to the normal routine need additional thought and consideration.

There are lots of things to think about when caring for our equine friends. Are they up to date with their vaccinations? When did they last see the dentist? Does the insurance still cover their current activities? Do we know for certain who their field buddies are? And moving yards can be a stressful time for horses, their owners and the new yard team. It can be difficult enough to look after horses you know and new horses take time to understand; they all have their unique quirks and personalities – that’s why we love them.

The LIVERYLive app, has been specifically designed for livery yard owners, yard managers and their team of staff. With the LIVERYLive app on your phone you know everything you need to know to make the yard safer and more successful. The app has been developed in response to feedback from yard owners, yard managers and yard staff and in the words of one user “it’s incredibly user friendly and makes running my livery business a breeze”.

Saving Time and Money

Using LIVERYLive can prove a useful tool when it comes to recording and invoicing too, making sure that nothing is missed when it comes to the end of the billing period. It also helps yard owners save time by not needing to contact clients individually or keep up with social media or group chat posts. Livery Live is a dedicated platform for your yard staff and liveries for all notifications, changes and schedule updates.

LIVERYLive can also help streamline staff rotas and team tasks, allowing for accurate reporting for staff hours and helping your yard run smoother, easier and more efficiently.

Perfect for yards and equine facilities of all sizes, LIVERYLive offers an affordable and accessible way to support the practical and administrative management of your yard. Find out more here: or by contacting