Free Webinar to Help Yard Owners Understand Care, Custody and Control

On Monday 18th March, Cheryl Johns from LiveryList and the Yard Owner Hub was joined by Faith Claydon, Livery Yard Insurance Specialist at SEIB Insurance Brokers, for an in-depth chat about Care, Custody and Control Insurance (CCC).

Many yard owners wrongly believe that they do not require CCC so with the help of Faith, we posed the most common questions and misconceptions to seek clarification and help yard owners understand when CCC insurance could come into play

The webinar is around 30 minutes, and includes useful information about CCC insurance, possible causes for claims, and how yard owners can protect themselves to make sure not only that they are adequately insured, but that are also taking the necessary steps to prevent accidents on the yard.

The webinar is free to all, and a recording of the conversation is available to watch here: