EEA Reveals Results of NMW Survey for Equestrian Employers

Increases in National Minimum Wage (NMW) rates are having an enormous impact on the equestrian industry. The EEA are keen to ensure that our industry’s voice is heard on this matter and they recently surveyed a range of equestrian employers as part of their response to the Low Pay Commission’s (LPC) National Minimum Wage consultation. The LPC is an independent body who advise the Government about the NMW.

The equestrian disciplines represented in this response include riding schools, livery yards, eventing, dressage, show jumping, showing, hunting, polo, vaulting, therapy work, providers of education, stud, breaking, breeding, equine rescue, and equine rehabilitation. The top four disciplines which formed the employer response were riding schools (40%), dressage (25%), Showjumping (16%) and eventing (12%). 58% of respondents also offered livery as part of their business.

A big thank you to everyone who took part in the survey, your opinions are vital in informing our research and helping to make the equestrian industry a place of Good Employment for all. There is still much to be done to ensure compliance with the NMW.

Here’s a few takeaways:

  • 88% of employers have reported increasing their prices.
  • 80% of employers have reported a fall in profits.
  • 81% of employers cannot afford to invest in their business.
  • 45% of employers reported smaller pay gaps.
  • 34% of employers cannot afford to recruit people who are 21+ years old.
  • 26% of employers cannot afford to staff to attend any training at all.
  • 18% of employers reported that productivity of staff has fallen.

You can read the full report here

The Equestrian Employers Association (EEA) is a social enterprise set up to both support and educate employers in the equestrian industry. Our purpose is to improve the employment practices in the equestrian industry, making it an attractive career prospect and a place of Good Employment.

Make sure your voice is heard, join the EEA